How to Become a Blogger and Discover Your Passion

How to Become a Blogger and Discover Your Passion 1

What can you get out of learning how to become a blogger?

Well, did you ever want to have a reason to wake up in the morning besides just getting ready to go to the old JOB, only to come home, go to sleep and do it all over again? That’s what learning how to become a blogger can do for you! Imagine waking up to email notifications that you’ve received leads opting into your blog site for more information because they’re interested in what you have to say! Blogging will help you discover your passion because you will tend to write about what really inspires you. Most of us who live in our hum-drum lives are unaware of what we really want out of life. I once heard that if you really want to determine your passion, what do you REALLY want – then think about what you don’t want and take the opposite of that.


If you’re not sure how to discover your passion, you’re not alone.

When you spend the day in and day out just going to work and centering your entire life around what other people want out of you, it’s all too easy to lose sight of what YOU really want out of life. Having said that, just what are the basics of how to become a blogger, and how do bloggers make money? How to Become a Blogger Step 1: Get your blog setup. This could entail paying a software specialist to create it for you or just going the easy way out and taking advantage of a team blog site. FYI – if you decide to pay someone, you’ll want to create ahead of time detailed pages to fill in the information on tabs created for “about you,” “work with you,” “what you recommend,” and “contact you.”

The blog will be all about YOU.


This was a difficult concept for me to grasp in the beginning, as my life, in general, was never “all about me.” But keep in mind that your posts will not be so much about you, but what you can do to help other people. The more you can help others; the more other people will want to read about you! On the other hand, a team blog site has everything already set up for you along with the benefit of already being a highly trafficked site with a low Alexa score (popular on Google), so your posts will be more likely to rank highly in the Google search engines. You can also get started within minutes after obtaining your team site and simply customize it to you by loading your own picture and bio.


How to Become a Blogger Step 2: Determine your target market.

Use keyword research techniques to find out how many people are searching for a particular keyword phrase, and then formulate your blog post around that keyword phrase. This will ensure future readers come back to your site repeatedly as people are searching for a particular solution to a problem (for a while, you have the solution!).

How to Become a Blogger Step 3: Create posts with value.

Blog posts are short articles you write about something you’re passionate about. Whether or not you’re posting with the intention of selling, it’s advantageous to write about your passions because you will draw readers your way to agree with your ideas. In the end, people will buy from those they know, like, and trust (people like themselves!). You will build a rapport with your readers as they identify with your problems. “But I don’t know how to write blogs,” you might say. Many famous bloggers never write – they create videos and insert them into the post. That’s the “post.” You can even grab the HTML code from someone else’s YouTube video and use it for your own post. As long as you link back and give reference to the source, the video creator will actually like you for it.


The point here is to make your material interesting to whoever might land on your page. Try to capture attention initially by asking a question to which someone might relate emotionally, how to Become a Blogger Step 4: Learn How to Promote a Blog.

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