Salary of a Clinical Mental Health Counselor – How Much Is It Really?

Salary of a Clinical Mental Health Counselor - How Much Is It Really? 1

Salary of a Clinical Mental Health Counselor – A clinical mental health counselor’s salary is $44,000 a year. This is how much a therapist makes in the United States. A therapist works 40 hours weekly and has a standard workweek of 40 hours. How much you can make as a clinical mental health counselor depends on where you live, your experience, and how many clients you see.

The salary of a clinical mental health counselor is the average annual salary for people in this occupation. What can be made in an average month varies depending on the location. For example, a typical counselor’s salary in New York City ranges from $60.

A clinical mental health counselor’s salary depends on several factors. For example, if you work in private practice, you might earn more than someone in a public health clinic or hospital.

Mental health counselors play an important role in the lives of people struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, grief, and other mental health issues.

In the United States, mental health counselor earns between $40,000 to $60,000 a year, depending on their location and experience level. But what is their real salary?

This blog post will explore the real salary of a clinical mental health counselor.

Mental Health

 Mental Health

The median salary for a Clinical Mental Health Counselor is $34,000 per year or about $16.90 per hour. A study shows that the average annual salary for a clinical mental health counselor is $48,958 as of 2017.

As a clinical mental health counselor, you work with clients suffering from various mental illnesses. You help them find relief through therapy, counseling, and medication.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about the salary of a clinical mental health counselor. We’ll also tell you how much the average counselor makes.

There has been a lot of talks lately about the growing need for mental health counselors.

While many people may think they would enjoy counseling, many don’t like the idea of working in such a role.

While going through graduate school, I thought I wanted to be a counselor. The pay seemed great. However, after graduating, I discovered that the payment wasn’t what I thought it would be.

Today, mental health counselors work for big companies and small organizations. While they earn a salary of $40K to $60K, they spend up to 80% of their time helping clients who suffer from mental illnesses.

Clinical Mental Health Counselor

There are many different jobs in the mental health field. How much does a mental health counselor make per hour? What is the average salary for a mental health counselor? This is one of those questions that people ask themselves every day. The first step to answering this question is determining what you want to do for a career.

As you can see, the job market is constantly changing. The best way to find out what you should charge for your services is to research similar fields.

Doing this can be tricky because you don’t want to get caught by someone else who charges more than you do. However, you can do your best to keep up with the industry and know what other professionals are charging.

The other way to find out is to get your clients. This will give you a better idea of what you’re worth.

Remember, you’ll probably spend more time than most people in this field.

As you can see, the job market is constantly changing. The best way to find out what you should charge for your services is to research similar fields.

Doing this can be tricky because you don’t want to get caught by someone else who charges more than you do. However, you can do your best to keep up with the industry and know what other professionals are charging.

The salary depends on various factors,, including where you live, your experience level, and the type of counseling you offer.

I’ll be honest with you; I don’t think this is a good option for most people. But if you can work in this field, I’d suggest taking it.

In the end, it comes down to what you want to do. This may be the right path for you if you want a career as a counselor.

Mental Health

Salary for mental health counselors

A clinical mental health counselor’s salary is $31,000 per year, and the median wage for all mental health counselors in the United States is about $35,000.

We have listed all the relevant information in our article and given our detailed analysis to make it easier for you to find out how much a clinical mental health counselor earns.

The salary range depends on experience. We are in high demand right now, and salaries are increasing.

I am in my second year of grad school and making $50,000. Mental health counseling can be very rewarding because you can help someone find their true potential.

You can make a big difference in someone’s life. One of the worst things about being a mental health counselor is that it is a dynamic profession.

You may have to go through a difficult time where you will feel uncomfortable with yourself or someone you are working with.

Average Salary

Please feel free to ask any questions related to this topic, and we will be more than happy to assist you further. Many factors affect your salary. You must remember that there are very few counselors in the US.

Many states have licensed counselors and psychologists who can do your job. A generalist may only see three to five patients per week and only make $20 an hour; however, if a counselor sees 25 patients per week, she may earn as much as $40 an hour.

Finally, the type of practice you want to run, independent or agency, will impact your salary. The more specialized your degree or certification is, the more money you will make. For example, a master’s or doctoral degree in counseling psychology can pay better than a bachelor’s degree.

Also, the number of clients you see per week will determine your hourly wage.

In my experience, the amount of money a mental health counselor makes varies by a few factors.

One of the most important things to consider is whether or not the counselor works independently or with a company. Independent counselors charge anywhere from $70-$100 per hour.

However, if you work for a company, you can expect to make around $35-$50 per hour.

Another important factor to consider is where you live. Most states set a minimum salary requirement for mental health counselors.

For example, you can expect to make between $28,000-$40,000 annually in New York.

The average annual salary for mental health counselors nationwide is $43,000.

Mental Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How much does a Clinical Mental Health Counselor earn?

A: A clinical mental health counselor earns an average salary of $85,000 to $120,000 per year.

Q: What is the difference between a clinical mental health counselor and a clinical psychologist?

A: Clinical psychologists go through four to five years of graduate school and spend additional time in internships and residencies. Clinical mental health counselors attend one year of graduate school, are board certified, and are licensed by the state.

Q: How much do you make per year as a clinical mental health counselor?

A: Depending on the type of counseling services provided, a clinical mental health counselor earns an average salary of $85,000 to $120,000 per year.

Q: How do you become a mental health counselor?

A: A clinical mental health counselor must earn an undergraduate degree in psychology, social work, or counseling and complete post-graduate studies in counseling and psychological science.

Q: What should someone look for when hiring a counselor?

A: A prospective client should always research their counselor. They should ask friends, family members, coworkers, and school counselors what they think of their counselor. They should also search online for reviews of their counselor.

Q: Do mental health counselors need a license to practice?

A: A clinical mental health counselor does not need a license to practice. However, some state licensing boards regulate counseling and psychotherapy in some states.

Q: How much would you make working as a clinical mental health counselor?

A: For someone with my experience and expertise, it would be around $90,000 annually.

Q: How much does becoming a clinical mental health counselor cost?

A: There are many ways to enter the counseling field, and depending on your educational background, it can be as little as $40,000, but most people would spend more than $50,000 to get their master’s degree.

Q: How would you pay for school?

A: Many scholarships are available, so check with your school to find out if they offer financial aid. It would help if you also considered taking a student loan, as government programs are available through private lenders.

Myths About Mental Health

1. Most clinical mental health counselors are paid well.

2. Most of these workers are employed by state and county governments.

3. The average salary for a clinical mental health counselor is high.


Finding a full-time job as a clinical mental health counselor is pretty rare. The vast majority of counselors are self-employed. But even though it’s not the most stable career path, you can still make a good living by working a part-time job.

The good news is that you can probably get paid anywhere from $25,000 to $75,000 per year, depending on location.

That means that after you pay rent, utilities, groceries, gas, insurance, and other expenses, you should have a decent chunk of change left over for retirement.

But many factors influence a counselor’s salary.

For example, the location where you live is one factor. Some counselors charge more than others, depending on the market.

Another factor is whether you work full-time or part-time. Some counselors only work part-time.

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