How to Survive an Internet Outage?

How to Survive an Internet Outage? 1

Most of us need internet connectivity for basic stuff like checking our emails and browsing the web. But what if your connection drops out or fails? How can you survive without it?

When you’re running a business, there are bound to be times when you’ll need to go offline temporarily. These unexpected outages are inevitable and happen to even the best companies.

But what happens when you’re offline for a prolonged period? Can you survive? Is it possible to still succeed in business when your website goes down?

This blog post will talk about how you can keep your website up and running while you’re offline. We’ll also tell you how you can take advantage of the downtime and use it.

You can use the following strategies to minimize the damage done by an internet outage.

Today’s internet can be one of our most significant resources, but if your connection goes down or you lose power, your whole world can seem to a standstill. In this day and age, we have never had to go without the internet in a major crisis. But what do we do if it does happen?

Internet Outage

Create a plan for dealing with an internet outage

Many business owners don’t realize that a “cyber attack” or “power outage” could have a much more significant impact than expected.

A few years ago, I ran a popular online magazine that went offline for a week. The issue was caused by a “hacker” who took over the website and deleted all the articles.

While this may seem like a minor issue, it was an event that shook the industry. As the weeks went by, other websites were hacked and offline.

Luckily, we could get back online and get our articles back. But many businesses would have been in trouble if it wasn’t for their contingency plans.

In this post, we will go through planning for an internet outage.

Identify what is critical.

When you’re offline, you’ll lose a lot of things. This includes your email, phone calls, chats, website, files, and more.

If you’re a small business owner, you probably won’t be able to afford to lose everything. You need to identify what is critical.

In this case, we’ll say email, and your phone is the most critical. You need to be able to communicate with your customers and employees.

Now that you’ve identified the critical things, you can set priorities.

In this case, you might prioritize your phone calls and email over your website.

You can then turn your computer off and leave it for a few days to ensure it’s completely disconnected from the internet.

This is an excellent time to make any changes to your website. You’ll have the opportunity to fix any issues, and you’ll also be able to catch any new updates to your website.

After you’ve turned your computer off for a while, you’ll be able to reconnect it to the internet.

Identify the impact

As a webmaster, you need to know what happens if your site goes down. You need to be able to see it, measure it, and understand it.

The most important thing is that you need to identify the impact. You need to know the exact result of your website being offline.

The impact may be a drop in conversion rate or a loss of brand reputation. Whatever the effect is, you need to be able to measure it.

While it’s not always possible to know the full impact in advance, there are ways you can prepare for it.

Plan for recovery

The first thing to do is check if your website is backed up. If you’re using WordPress, you can back up your site on your own by following these instructions. If you’re not using WordPress, check the manufacturer’s website to see if your website is backed up.

Now that you know if your site is backed up, you can plan for recovery. Here are a few things you can do.

You can choose to do an over-the-air update or wait until you’re back online. Over-the-air updates are quick, but they might not work. Using WordPress, you can use a plugin such as WPSync or WP Migrate to synchronize all your data to a new server.

If you’re not using WordPress, you can upload all the files to a new server yourself, or you can hire a professional to handle this.

In either case, you’ll need to set up a new site on a new domain name. To avoid confusion, you should set up a new location on a new domain name.

Recovering your site will take time, and you’ll lose any SEO gains you made during the downtime. But, this is a necessary evil.

Once you’re back online, you’ll need to do a full SEO audit and optimize your site.

 Frequently asked questions About Internet Outage.

Q: How would you survive if you lost all your online accounts or computers in a storm?

A: I would be OK if it were a slow or a few hours, but I wouldn’t be OK if it were a 24-hour outage. I have learned that I can’t rely on the Internet for my everyday life.

Q: What would you do in a situation where you can’t access email or your bank account?

A: I would start by contacting the other websites and banks that I use regularly, and then I would make sure to get the companies directly.

Q: How would you survive an earthquake or a tsunami?

A: If I could prepare for an emergency beforehand, I would stock up on food, water, batteries, first aid, and a battery-operated radio.

 Top Myths About Internet Outage

1. You are at your own risk of getting sick.

2. You have no legal rights against a cyber attack.

3. The government will not reimburse you for your losses.

4. You have no legal recourse to recover damages from your ISP or other Internet providers.


If you’ve ever been stuck in an Internet outage, you know how frustrating and downright scary it can be.

It’s even worse if you’re trying to run a business or do online shopping. Without an internet connection, you cannot access the information and services you need to survive.

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