5 Tips to Design a Landscape for Your Commercial Real Estate

5 Tips to Design a Landscape for Your Commercial Real Estate 1

A perfectly landscaped garden adds life to any property, whether it is commercial or residential. The color green is known to promote serenity and relaxation – imagine what the lush greenery of trees and flowers can do for your staff and visitors. So, why not give your employees an area where they can take a fresh breath of air from time to time and your customers an important reason to transact with your company? Contrary to what is commonly believed – landscape designing doesn’t have to be complicated or pricey. With proper planning and guidance from a professional, you can easily sail through. Following are a few tips for your inspiration.

Commercial Landscaping

Plan it Well

You may not have extravagance on the cards, but still, it is advised to plan. Even if the installation of the landscape on your own is not possible, you can always pay for an expert blueprint or plan. That will give you a future direction and the right course of action in case you modify anything. Plus, it will help you in decision-making and budgeting. Along with that, you will get an idea of selecting materials and the timeline of the project.

Create it to Complement the Architecture

It is good to stand out but not to go overboard, especially when designing a commercial landscape. The theme should match with the building’s overall architecture and make it look more proportional and not out the place. The same is emphasized by the best of the landscape designers as well. They recommend creating a landscape as a beautiful backdrop that is healing and not distracting.

Design it to Direct the Traffic

Other than enhancing your commercial estate’s appeal, your landscape should be highly functional as well. It should be designed to direct new visitors to the different parts of your building and guide them to find appropriate parking and drop-off spots. So, include enough walkways with rows of plants, trees, or flower beds that help people move from the parking lot to the main entrance.

Bring Attention to the Entrance

Using bright flowers and customized water features at the entrance will bring the guests’ entire attention to it and serve as an attractive element. Trees, shrubs, and fountains placed symmetrically will make it even more welcoming. Besides, decorative bricks or stones on the pathway are other key highlights that you can use to give a good impression on anyone visiting your business premises.

Invest in Native Plants

If you wish to save time and money on commercial landscaping, the only way to achieve that is to choose native plants. They are best suited for your kind of climate and easily fit into your natural landscape. Plus, they demand less maintenance from your team and pass on the message of self-sustainability to all your customers and others in the neighborhood.

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