Automobile Dealership Business Plan (Sample)

Automobile Dealership Business Plan (Sample) 1

The Automobile Dealership is one of the biggest business segments in the U.S., representing almost 10 percent of the U.S. car market and making up $90 billion in annual sales. The company operates over 1,000 franchised automotive dealerships in the U.S. and Canada.

Have you always wanted to own your car dealership? In today’s market, hundreds of car dealerships in the United States are growing.

If you are wondering what kind of investment you need to start a car dealership, then look at this sample auto dealership business plan. This sample auto dealership business plan shows you how to set up your Business and create a business plan that will help you achieve your goal of owning your dealership.

Are you thinking of opening a car dealership shortly? Then it would be best to read this sample business plan to see what you should do to ensure it is complete.

The business plan template below is intended to be a guideline to get you started on developing your business plan. In addition, it will provide you with a detailed description of the Business you want to create, including its specific financials and marketing strategy. This is a preliminary business plan for a car dealership, but it can easily be used as a template for any Business.

Business Plan Template

It will help you decide what kind of dealership you need, where you should locate your dealership, and how much you should charge for each car.

It will also help you decide whether to enter a franchise or start a new dealership.

You will learn the three different types of dealership models.

You will learn what the three different types of financing programs are and why each one is important.

You will learn what the different types of car sales are.

And you will learn what the different types of insurance are.

There are four sections to the business plan:

  1. Business Plan Introduction
  2. Business Plan Summary
  3. Market Analysis
  4. Investment Analysis

Business Plan Summary

When I look at the auto industry, it seems very positive. Car sales are up by 4 percent, and the average age of a car buyer is increasing.

Car sales are growing faster than ever, and new car models are being launched yearly.

The car industry is ripe for the taking, especially because car dealers are successful.

There are more car dealers than ever before, and they are growing in every city.

You can find car dealers everywhere. If you want to sell cars, there is a dealership for that.

You don’t need a franchise to operate a car dealership. You don’t need a license to sell cars.

There are many types of car dealerships. There are luxury car dealerships, low-cost car dealerships, and used car dealerships.

I’ve seen used car dealerships become profitable within six months.

Business Plan Introduction

If you’re planning to purchase a car dealership, you must understand how the car dealership industry works. There are hundreds of car dealerships across the country, and many of them are struggling.

You might ask yourself, “Why should I open a car dealership?”

Well, here are some reasons why you should open your dealership.

  1. High demand for car sales
  2. More jobs
  3. More money
  4. No more tax headaches
  5. No inventory management headache
  6. No more hassle with car insurance
  7. No more hassle with financing
  8. Better profits
  9. Better customer service
  10. Better relationships with manufacturers
  11. Better relationships with dealers
  12. Better relationships with banks
  13. Better relationships with customers
  14. Better relationships with suppliers
  15. Better relationships with insurance companies
  16. Better relationships with employees
  17. Better relationships with clients
  18. Better relationships with regulators
  19. Better relationships with competitors
  20. Better relationships with the government
  21. Better relationships with family members
  22. Better relationships with friends
  23. Better relationships with the community
  24. Better relationships with yourself
  25. Lower overhead costs
  26. More fun
  27. More fulfillment
  28. More happiness
  29. More satisfaction
  30. More profit
  31. More time to spend with loved ones
  32. More time to spend on hobbies
  33. More time to spend on activities you enjoy
  34. More time to spend on improving your skill set
  35. More time to spend on improving your knowledge
  36. More time to spend on improving your life
  37. More time to spend on making a difference
  38. More time to spend on your passions
  39. More time to spend on your talents
  40. More time to spend on your goals
  41. More time to spend on your dreams
  42. More time to spend on your desires
  43. More time to spend on your ambitions
  44. More time to spend on your future
  45. More time to spend on your life
  46. More time to spend on your goals

Business Plan Goals

Your dealership’s goal is to become the most profitable car dealership in the area. This means you will need to set goals that are both short-term and long-term.

Short-term goals include increasing customer satisfaction, improving inventory, and cutting down on employee turnover.

Long-term goals include attracting new customers, hiring the best employees, and expanding your customer base.

Frequently Asked Questions about Business

Q: How does being a car salesperson fit into? our business plan?

A: A car dealership is a service-oriented industry, and my business plan includes describing how I provide services. In addition, I also have information on how I will sell cars, as well as what types of cars I will stock.

Q: What are the biggest problems you anticipate with your plan?

A: I anticipate that I will have to start from scratch to develop relationships with potential customers.

Q: Do you anticipate any obstacles?

A: I anticipate having trouble finding new customers and getting new Business.

Top Myths About Business

  1. The automotive industry has a failure rate.
  2. A business plan is not necessary for a dealership to succeed.
  3. A dealership business plan is too complex to write.


In the automotive industry, dealerships are critical to a successful dealership network. They are the most important sales force in the network.

Business Plan Template – Automobile Dealership

If you’ve been thinking about opening your automobile dealership, this is the perfect template. This template is ideal for someone who wants to open an auto dealership business plan for their dealership.

Automobile Dealership Business Plan Sample

The automotive dealership business plan aims to convince prospective investors to invest in your dealership and its network of dealerships.

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