How Much Money Is In The Video Gaming Industry?

According to the latest estimates by the International Game Developers Association, the video gaming industry was worth $108.2 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach $136.3 billion by 2019, up nearly 22% annually.

According to the most recent estimates by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), video game sales in the U.S. hit $33.

Video games are big business. They’re also big on social media. But how much money is actually in the industry? And what kind of revenue is generated by video games?

According to the Entertainment Software Association, video games generate $74.4 billion in revenue annually in the United States. That’s a lot of money.

But how much money is spent in the industry on things other than game development and publishing?

This fact is astounding, as it is almost three times larger than the entire movie industry in North America. Not only that, but the average player spends over 30 hours per week playing video games. When we consider all of the time spent on video games by people worldwide, this number grows even more.

Video Gaming

The Global Video Game Industry: An Overview

Video games are a global phenomenon. While the US generates around $74.4 billion in annual revenue, the world generates an estimated $109 billion.

It’s a pretty amazing industry. However, how much of that revenue is generated by the US? What about the rest of the world?

The Global Video Game Industry: The Market

The global market for video games is projected to reach $137.8 billion by 2025. That’s up from $88.2 billion in 2016.

To put this in perspective, the global mobile phone market is estimated to be worth $1.9 trillion. The global e-commerce market is estimated to be worth $3.4 trillion.

The Global Video Game Industry: The Players

While the United States is by far the biggest market for video games, there is a global industry.

The game industry generates around $19.7 billion in annual sales in the United States. This means that around 1 in 5 dollars spent on video games comes from the United States.

Outside of North America, Europe is the largest market for video games. In 2014, video game sales in Europe were $35.3 billion.

Europe is followed by Japan ($26.9 billion), China ($12.8 billion), and South Korea ($12.2 billion).

It’s worth noting that these numbers are only estimates. The global game industry is still relatively new and growing rapidly.

But we can see the potential for it to grow. According to eMarketer, the global gaming market is expected to grow to $115.3 billion by 2020.

The Global Video Game Industry: The Players

While the United States is by far the biggest market for video games, there is a global industry.

The game industry generates around $19.7 billion in annual sales in the United States. This means that around 1 in 5 dollars spent on video games comes from the United States.

Outside of North America, Europe is the largest market for video games. In 2014, video game sales in Europe were $35.3 billion.

Europe is followed by Japan ($26.9 billion), China ($12.8 billion), and South Korea ($12.2 billion).

It’s worth noting that these numbers are only estimates. The global game industry is still relatively new and growing rapidly.

But we can see the potential for it to grow. According to eMarketer, the global gaming market is expected to grow to $115.3 billion by 2020.

The Global Video Game Industry: The Players

While the United States is by far the biggest market for video games, there is a global industry.

The Global Video Game Industry: The Challenges

But when you look closer, it turns out that the industry is facing some challenges. As a whole, the gaming industry is experiencing slow growth.

It’s also experiencing challenges regarding diversity. While the industry is growing, it’s still largely white and male-dominated.

According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), around 74 percent of gamers are male. This means that only 26 percent of the industry is female.

And while more women are playing video games than ever, many games are still “girly” or “boy-centric”.

Many games are still “girl-shooter” games. Very few games are still designed to appeal to both genders.

Frequently asked questions about Video Gaming. 

Q: What’s your experience in the gaming industry?

A: I started modeling in high school and got into the gaming industry when I was 19. I worked as a voice actress on the popular TV show Game of Thrones. My first acting job was playing the role of Maelys, a character who has a big role in Season 5 of Game of Thrones.

Q: How much money does it make?

A: I don’t know the exact amount, but I made around $40,000 per episode of Game of Thrones, which is pretty good for an 18-year-old. It depends on what your goals are with it, though. If you want to make much money in the gaming industry, you must be persistent and patient. You must keep trying to get more roles, and eventually, find what you’re looking for.

Q: What is the most money you have ever made?

A: I think the most money I ever made was when I did a photo shoot for a video game magazine. It was $15,000 to make a print.

Q: What’s the biggest downside of being a gamer?

A: The biggest downside is that it can take a long time to build a career out of gaming. It’s really hard to get jobs in the video game industry.

Top Myths About Video Gaming

  1. The video game industry is one of the biggest industries in the world.
  2. The video game industry employs a lot of people.
  3. The video game industry has a lot of money.


You can start by promoting your favorite game on a website like Twitch or YouTube. You can also try to get your game featured on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo.

Alternatively, you could write articles about video games. Or, you can create videos about video games.

Finally, you could create your own video game. If you make your own game, you’ll have full control over how it looks and feels and can set your price for it.

It’s not easy to make a living from creating video games, but it’s certainly possible.

So if you’re up for the challenge, nothing stops you from creating your own game. You can use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or any other graphics editing software you prefer. You can also use GIMP if you don’t have access to Photoshop. The most important thing to do is to practice. Keep practicing your drawing skills, and you’ll improve fast. Don’t expect to create professional quality graphics in your first few months of trying to make money with your game. You’ll need lots of practice.

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